Page name: Adventurer's Tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-22 12:40:08
Last author: Kim_Lundin
Owner: Kim_Lundin
# of watchers: 26
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D20: 17
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(run by [Kim_Lundin])

As you enter the two-floor building through a plain door made of oak you arrive to a large hall, almost five metres to the roof. Wooden pillars are placed by the walls, more for decoration than functionality, and centered on the wall to the left is a fairly large fireplace. By the fireplace is a small, wine red couch and two small armchairs in the same color as the couch. On the opposite wall is a small door, a sign above the door reads "Portal, ask Kim for tuning".
At the far end of the room you can see a bar made of dark wood and with panels of black ebony. Before the bar are eleven tall chairs, made of the same dark wood as the bar, with dark red padding to make them comfortable and with low backs of wood to stop you from falling backwards if you happen to drink one too many.
Behind the bar is a door leading to the kitchen, the smell of roasting meat and chicken comes from it when it opens. To the left of the bar are wooden stairs leading to the second floor, where the rooms for rent are.
Scattered here ant there in the hall are tables of varying sizes and shapes, once they were standing in order but after countless accidents and small fights the owner has grown tired of rearranging them all the time, so now he just puts them back up where they fall. Around the tables, chairs are placed to offer sitting space, most of them are made of dark oak, but some of them, probably replacements for broken ones, are made of a lighter kind of wood.


Characters currently in the tavern

Kim CHAR - The owner of Adventurer's Tavern
Red Imp (Smutgy) and Blue Imp (Turgen) - [xido]


For past events, read these pasts:
REEEALLY old stuff



-Up the stairs to the Second Floor of the Adventurer's

-Through the door to the Portal of the Adventurer's Tavern (Ask [Kim_Lundin] for rates and use of the Gateway)

-Back to the streets of Irrundanil, outside

-Back to Wiki Fantasy Roleplay


As the place begins to calm down a bit, Kim walks back to his place behind the bar.

Some random passerby opens the door to the tavern only long enough to remember a prior engagement, and swearing to return, releases the door and walks back out.

Kim lifts his head, trying to catch a glance of the person, but the door is shut before he can see anything besides a part of the clothes. "Hmm? Odd..." he mumbles before turning his attention to some of the bottles standing behind the bar 'Lets see, I thought I had more bottles of the Laughing Gnoll... better order some of those.' he thinks.

Turgen hiccups as he slides an empty bottle of Laughing Gnoll behind a nearby window shutter, smiling crudely.
Smutgy laughs hysterically as he does it, which Turgen regards with a vehement shooshing with his finger over his mouth at the other imp.

"Hmm?" Kim looks over his shoulder when he hears the laughter "Now what the..." he notices the two miscievous imps "You two? What're you doing now?".

Smutgy hiccups and looks at Kim with an intent stare.
"We're drinking ale. What the hell else do you do in a tavern?" he replies with both snapping words and a big grin.
He and Turgen break out into laughter at the apparently amusing joke.

"Hah, and I guess you're going to pay for it, you know - like what you usually do when you drink ale in a tavern." Kim sais to the red imp.

"No way, you crazy," Turgen speaks up, slurring his words.

"And stinky," Smutgy says, laughing.

"We broke," Turgen speaks, flailing a wild arm in Kim's directin.

"It's on the house!" Smutgy cries out.

"No, it's on THAT GUY!" Turgen cries out, pointing at Al, the local homeless guy who rarely finds his way out of Adventurer's and who is currently drunk and passed out on the table where he sits every afternoon and night.

"Yeah, that guy!" Smutgy replies, and the both of them fall into a fit of drunken laughter.

"Sometimes I wonder why I haven't let a cleric banish you guys yet." Kim sais with a tired voice "You're not really working hard to avoid that, you know.".

"We's no get banished by clerics," Smutgy sais with a grin and a wave of his arm.

"Yeah, we free entertainment," Turgen, adds, flicking a deck of cards between his fingers in his two hands.

Taking Turgen's lead, Smutgy flicks his fingers to animate a small wooden puppet, which dances around, and with another flick, sets it on fire again. Tootling out some crazy circus music, he bobs back and forth as the small puppet dances, on fire.
Turgen laughs at him for it, then bobs back and forth as well.

"Well, that would be the good part..." Kim sais "... Don't put the tables on fire, I'm the one who has to buy new ones.".

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2003-10-24 [BadCat]: *grins* Andrei, dahlin', how could I not? Elayne: Right. Note to self - make it 'friendly'....

2003-10-24 [xido]: *giggles*

2003-10-24 [xido]: ......friendly....<.< >.>...............o.o...right...............................x.X.........................

2003-10-24 [Andrei]: don't laugh xidowhatever ! This could happen to you some day hehe!

2003-10-25 [xido]: x.O??

2003-10-25 [xido]: Ahhhh, too right, that was.....  Just beautiful.....

2003-10-26 [xido]: Next on the list.......  WORMS!!!!!! ...Or maybe not...... Maybe SLIME!!!!!!

2003-10-26 [Kim_Lundin]: NOT WORMS!!! They'll ruin my food supply!

2003-10-26 [xido]: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......maggots.

2003-10-26 [Kim_Lundin]: Gah! *dies*

2003-10-26 [xido]: O.O  *stares*

2003-10-26 [xido]: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... *maggots*

2003-10-26 [xido]: Kim Lundin's dead body is infested with maggots.....

2003-10-26 [Kim_Lundin]: GAAAH!!! *Jumps up from the grave* TAKE THEM OFF MEEEH!!! *looks around, feeling really stupid*

2003-10-26 [xido]: *laughs loudly*

2003-10-26 [Kim_Lundin]: Hey! Don't laught at someone who just DIED!... that was uncomfortable... You didn't find a coffin with roomservice?

2003-10-26 [xido]: *roomservice*  There, now LMAO:'Nyeah 'Nyeah 'NYEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

2003-10-26 [xido]: and........*skylab*  (*falls*, *sqooshes you*)  LOL

2003-10-26 [xido]: (Don't defy me, I'll drop skylab on you.....)

2003-10-26 [Tal Anduril]: lmao

2003-10-27 [xido]: Damnit, demon!! What are you laughing at??? *skylab* (*sqooshes you too*)

2003-10-27 [Elayne]: hey can you start the tavern?

2003-10-27 [Kim_Lundin]: Who?

2003-10-27 [Tal Anduril]: *crawls out from under the firey remains of skylab*

2003-10-28 [xido]: BadCat's busy right now...she says she'll be able to get on more later, but not until at least tomorrow....................FINISH HIM!!!! : *another skylab on top of skylab* (*sqooshes you dead*).....*chuckles*

2003-10-28 [Tal Anduril]: Trust me, it takes a lot more than a few skylabs to finish me off. *grins*


2003-10-28 [Tal Anduril]: Wow look at that aim, or lack there of. You just managed to take out Paris, London, New York, Tokyo and a score of other major poplulation centers, but didn't even touch me. *grins*

2003-10-28 [xido]: LOL...LMAO... BALLS! And I thought I had you...................................*skylab*

2003-10-28 [Tal Anduril]: *is reminded of the cartoon with falling anvils and nimbly dodges out of the way* humm, he's getting better.

2003-10-28 [xido]: *ACME Anvil**ACME Anvil**ACME Anvil*

2003-10-28 [Kim_Lundin]: *tiny umbrella to counter the anvils*

2003-10-28 [xido]: SQOOOSH!!!! SQOOSH SQOOSH SQOOSH!!!!!!!!

2003-10-28 [Kim_Lundin]: *looks like a pancake*

2003-10-28 [xido]: heeheeeheeheheheeeee

2003-10-28 [Kim_Lundin]: heheh! ANYONE HERE WHO HAVE A JAR WITH JAM?

2003-10-28 [xido]: To put on your pancake-self? Yum...  *scrounges through his sack* jam. I have some apple butter! *pulls out apple butter, and spreads it on pancake-Kim* *bites*

2003-10-28 [Kim_Lundin]: OW, NOT SO HARD!!! I'm a sensitive pancake. *puts cykle pump in my mouth*

2003-10-28 [Tal Anduril]: lmao

2003-10-28 [Kim_Lundin]: *Blowing myself to my ordinary form with the pump* Ah, much better *dries off the apple butter*

2003-10-28 [Tal Anduril]: and ppl wonder y we like cartoons.

2003-10-29 [xido]: What do you mean? Doesn't this kind of stuff happen in real life??? Man, I thought I could use that tire pump for a better reason than a stupid tire.........

2003-10-29 [Kim_Lundin]: There's ALWAYS a better way to use a thing than it's MEANT to be used to... take the rolling pin, it's made for roll out the dough, but wifes have found another way of using it...

2003-10-29 [xido]: LOL...I won't say what for..... (mind in the gutter, I'm sorry)

2003-10-29 [BadCat]: Children, please! The muffins are listening! *tuts*

2003-10-29 [Kim_Lundin]: A muffin? I thought you was a cat... ^_^

2003-10-29 [BadCat]: I'm human, buddy. But regardless, there ARE muffins listening... *points* See?

2003-10-29 [Kim_Lundin]: *looks at muffins* I didn't know they listened... But inded they looks really interested.

2003-10-29 [xido]: Oh, that must be why I wear glasses..... I don't see them..... I see some bar-flies, but no muffins. An imp in the window-box, but no muffins....

2003-10-29 [Tal Anduril]: *walks over to eat a muffin*

2003-10-29 [xido]: x.o  Oh, those muffins.........   @.@

2003-10-29 [Tal Anduril]: Want one?

2003-10-30 [xido]: He probably poisoned it....Umm, yeah, why not?We're all gonna die some day, anyway.

2003-10-30 [Tal Anduril]: poisons don't bother me too much, most of them won't kill me...... too quick, I can always look for an antidote.

2003-11-04 [xido]: *rolls eyes* Damn demons, all immune to their poisons, with their big egos, and their clawed hands and feet, and their stupid pointy teeth*mumbling* *bites muffin* *chews*........*dies*.....x.X

2003-11-04 [Kim_Lundin]: *revives [xido] with a stick*

2003-11-04 [Tal Anduril]: lmao *pokes him with sword* he really alive?

2003-11-04 [Silversong]: If you don't poke him with your sword yes.

2003-11-04 [Tal Anduril]: Now that would take all the fun out of it. *grins*

2003-11-05 [xido]: Nope. Still dead. x.XP Now, you've gone and done it, this time, Tal.

2003-11-05 [Tal Anduril]: ahh *sniff* Calls in the carrion eating dragon might as well get some use out of it.

2003-11-06 [xido]: *reincarnated* into a caterpillar.....*munches on a leaf* and *watches dragon eat the old body*

2003-11-06 [xido]: eh

2003-11-06 [Kim_Lundin]: *Looks at the caterpillar saying 'eh'*

2003-11-06 [Silversong]: *holds out some lettuce to the caterpillar* nice dragon.

2003-11-07 [Tal Anduril]: it only eats rotten meat, so unless ur dead or something ur safe..... it's from the shadow realm, and is currently sitting in front of the New Moon Inn it started out as Caelesta's dragon, then became [Therian]'s and right now it's either still Therian's or it's Tyrael's; don't know for sure.

2003-11-07 [xido]: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2003-11-08 [Cymbeline]: *steps quietly into the tavern, watching the gathered*

2003-11-10 [Silversong]: Do I even want to know how it came into any of their posession??

2003-11-10 [Tal Anduril]: The dragon? It was a gift of sorts, or at least that's what I concluded.

2003-11-10 [Silversong]: oh. Funny gift......

2003-11-11 [Tal Anduril]: But very useful to some, I always wonder what to do with the body when I'm done with my, er..... *grins* toys.

2003-11-11 [Silversong]: lol.......I think i pity your toys.....

2003-11-11 [Tal Anduril]: So does [Therian] *grins* I've only had one so far..... seems it was a relative of Caelesta though, she wasn't too happy about it.

2003-11-11 [Silversong]: I'm not all that suprised.......I'd have eaten you if it was a relative of mine!

2003-11-11 [Tal Anduril]: Well it's not like he was wearing a sign that said, "Beware, Physco Bitch will come and get you if you torture and kill me!"

2003-11-11 [Silversong]: true......but why did you torture and kill him?

2003-11-11 [Tal Anduril]: for fun, well that's only partly true.

2003-11-11 [Tal Anduril]: It's a long story. What the hell is up with these two?

2003-11-11 [Silversong]: Ah! it sounds kinda interesting though........are you certain your not siblings though?? you both kinda act like it.........]

2003-11-11 [Silversong]: Ah! it sounds kinda interesting though........are you certain your not siblings though?? you both kinda act like it.........

2003-11-11 [Tal Anduril]: Naw, we live a couple of states away.

2003-11-13 [Silversong]: Oh.

2003-11-23 [xido]: Mesiaiiga Digronn, lesbian/confused female warrior....likes guys, but pretends to despise them, while going after women, who are normally entranced by her strong personality.  ........and ACTION!!!!!

2003-11-23 [Lauralanthalasa]: you do know that silverfox is only like 16 in elvish years (if i am correct) so we're both quite the pedophiles

2003-11-23 [Tal Anduril]: great just what I wanted to know.............

2003-11-23 [Phyn]: Vad went to 97th layer of the Abyss

2003-11-23 [MathiasIV]: *has been to the 97th layer of the abyss and bought a T-Shirt* See *shows everybody his T-Shirt*

2003-11-23 [Phyn]: you have not! you bout that shirt at the mall!!!

2003-11-23 [MathiasIV]: Oh yeah, Oh yeah........I got nuthing <.<

2003-11-23 [Phyn]: *smiles in contentment*

2003-11-23 [MathiasIV]: yeah but I got your table AND your wine BOTCH!!!

2003-11-23 [Phyn]: umm it's not my table or wine it's vad's :)

2003-11-23 [Lauralanthalasa]: Yes, stealing my wine and table, gee thanks Lysander.

2003-11-24 [Phyn]: eat my shorts! 

2003-11-24 [xido]: eat your mother's shorts....

2003-11-24 [Tal Anduril]: *passes the mustard*

2003-11-24 [Lauralanthalasa]: i dont like shorts!

2003-11-24 [MathiasIV]: I like shorts!!! Pass me the shorts and mustard!!!

2003-11-24 [Silversong]: wow i miss so much over the weekends.............

2003-11-24 [MathiasIV]: lol

2003-11-24 [Silversong]: lol yeah...this is why Turkey day Vacaction is REALLY gonna suck............I won't be able to edit from Wednessday until the next monday afternoon.

2003-11-25 [xido]: just be happy you're having TURKEY and not SHORTS.....

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: ......... with mustard.

2003-11-25 [Lauralanthalasa]: and a side of toast ;)

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: *grins*

2003-11-25 [xido]: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, tooooooooooooaaaaaaaaassssssssssssstttttt

2003-11-25 [Lauralanthalasa]: yeah toast!

2003-11-25 [Kim_Lundin]: Did someone say toast?

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: lol okay okay i give!!

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: Hmm toast, mustard shorts and turkey, definitly sounds like thanksgiving lol. I LUUUUURVE mustard shorts. Actually when you think about it....they make edible panties right? Why not make like a pretzel and mustard flavor?

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: Do they save these things somewhere because this little comment screen we have here is Fing hillarious

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: yeah.....they do.

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: AHA *looks below him at the older comments list* HAHA I found them and nobody had to make stupid remarks at me :O

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: *grins*

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: lol  i figured you'd either find them eventually or ask exactly where they were

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: I suppose you should all feel free to make stupid remarks at me though lol, on the scale of dumb questions, that was a really dumb question. There's no such think as stupid questions, only stupid people 0.o

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: it wasn't a dumb question...i've heard worse..........

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: lol, sure make the newbie feel accepted *starts to sob a little* I know when I am not liked!!! :P

2003-11-25 [Silversong]: you are to liked! if we didn't like you we'd yell at you all the time and wouldn't answer your questions.

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: I like pickles, isnt that wierd???

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: I like pickles too. (Only on things like hamburgers or with tuna fish though, not in thingins like..... hummm chicken, or cake.)

2003-11-25 [MathiasIV]: mmmm tuna salad sandwich, with grated cheddar, pickles, boiled egg, mayonaise, pan fried in butter on sourdough bread.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: Sounds good, but somehow I manage to burn anything I touch.

2003-11-25 [Lauralanthalasa]: even tuna salad? I dont think you cook that

2003-11-25 [Tal Anduril]: trust me, you don't want me near the kitchen

2003-11-26 [xido]: Kandle, isn't it odd to think that all this random chitter-chatter came off of your comment on TOAST?!?! LOL!!! (oblivious)mmmmmmmmmmmmm, toast........and SAUSAGE!!!!*yum*

2003-11-26 [xido]: technically, it came from Nik saying eat my shorts, but the fact that TOAST became a topic all its own for nearly a full set of comments is rather odd I think

2003-11-26 [xido]:

KIM, you need to make a new PAST PAGE....this is way too long

2003-11-26 [Tal Anduril]: I agree.

2003-11-27 [Lauralanthalasa]: hehe, i had some toast last night!

2003-11-27 [Tal Anduril]: I had some this morning.

2003-11-27 [xido]: DANG!!!!!!!!!!! Horn-dogs, aren't we?!?!?!?

2003-11-27 [Kim_Lundin]: Okay, I'll make a past page... as soon as I learn how to do it @_^ I LOVE to ask questions when everyone else seems to know the answer.

2003-11-28 [xido]: Post ATpage2@wiki as a new page, then cut and paste a big section of the wiki onto that new page after you've edited the page. If you think you might mess up copy-pasting just use another text program like Worpad or Notepad to cut-paste to, then back onto the ET edit box on the new page. Try to leave the stuff that's important to what's happening now, but the rest out and paste it onto the ATpage2. K???

2003-11-28 [xido]: just like you did with our RP with the Kieein guy......

2003-11-29 [Kim_Lundin]: Oh, okay, I think I understand.

2003-11-29 [MathiasIV]: John Jacob Jinglehiemer schmidt, he likes toooast toooooo

2003-11-29 [Kim_Lundin]: Heheh... I think it worked. ^_^

2003-11-29 [MathiasIV]: indeed its much easier to see now :)

2003-11-30 [xido]: good job, KIMOTHY!!! darn rootin-tootin!!! (Back soon.....two weeks or so)

2003-11-30 [Kim_Lundin]: ^_^

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: having problems posting on this wiki.... anybody else?

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: umm....I had problems on almost all of my other ones.....what's it doing to you??

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: goes to a white page says I should try to refresh which never works

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: hmmm.........Where are you at school?? or home?

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: work

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: hhmmmm.......I had to switch computers to get it to work........I don't think that's an option for you huh?? I guess you're going to have to say what you want posted in the comments bax and then send a letter or something to the problems page.........

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: hehe after I typed it twice I saved it in a wordpad doc, maybe I will try a few more times then Post it here.

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: okay......I'll check it during my lunch period....right now i unfortunately have class!! 

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: np, this is the error I get, HTTP 500 - Internal server error

2003-12-02 [xido]: Forum - Bugs, with a full description of what happens.

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: Cool thanks raven :)

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: *GAWK* NM its posted now... Guess it just took some handling time...

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol occasionally when it's a forum error it doesn't show up until you either hit edit again or you leave and come back again.

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: dunno I posted that about 5 times.... I hope it doesnt show up 5 times :P

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol no....but i noticed that i switched my Char's name mid story i think i was going too fast....i changed it though

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: cool thanks. Looks like we need more people in here. moving kinda slow lol

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol well that's the way luck works out........almost everyone is bound to post tomorrow when i can't respond and so i will have lots to update on Thursday before i have to leave again for the weekend!! (I hope!)

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: hehe GL ^_^

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: yeah.........the only down side to this plan is that i end up joining a million different RPG's just to accomadate the empty hours when no one is on!! lol

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: same here lol

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol oh well! it makes mondays and Thursdays busy at least!!

2003-12-02 [xido]: trust me......that's NORMAL....I've learned to live with that very all gets done in the end.

2003-12-02 [Saber]: no worries=magical phrase

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol yup! hey raven, do you have time to join TearRem's Black War yet?? or how about you Mathias??

2003-12-02 [xido]: I leave on my trip soon, so no.....maybe in a couple weeks, when I'm back up and running.

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: ok.....just thought i'd check since i'll be gone from the 20th until the 7th for x-mas vacation.

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: possibly, i will have to see where I can fit in

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol anywhere....we need generals and lots of people.....there is only two of us playing so far.

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: I would gladly play a general, i have submitted another character to the character site, named ragnarous, i dont know where they will file him yet but he will probably be perfect for a commanding officer

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol they file ppl after they start RPGing....join the wiki and i'll edit something in there before i leave today.

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: I already have a character on the WFR site so, Shrug. Where should I join on the page, I still got some reading to do

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: lol click on this link TearRem's Black War  that'll give you everything you need to know!!

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: If you want I can go ahead and jump in there right at the end well enough

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: yes please! you could come join the councel as well if you wanted.......either Resiska or I will edit today or tomorrow.

2003-12-02 [Silversong]: Be back tomorrow everyone!!

2003-12-07 [MathiasIV]: SOOO BORED!!!! WHERE IS EVERYBODY!!!!!

2003-12-08 [Kim_Lundin]: I've a bit hard to get on-line for a while. Either someone's sitting by the computer or it's too late to go on-line.

2003-12-08 [MathiasIV]: hehe welcome back, that was more a cry at every wiki I am in... there hasent been like a single update in anything I belong to in like 24 hours lol TG your back :P

2003-12-08 [Silversong]: home computer REALLY hates me!!

2003-12-08 [Saber]: does it keep sending you evil hate mail and death threats?

2003-12-08 [Silversong]: lol just insists on only letting me READ the wiki pages and the first fe words of any message sent to me..........the evil thing! if i try to do anything more than that it boots me outta elftown.

2003-12-08 [Saber]: hmmm yeah-well i dont think it hates you but just merely dislikes you...o recomend afew bashes with a hammer (not the monitor, that would just be silly and crack the screen ^_^)

2003-12-08 [Silversong]: lol i would but alas my mom rather likes the thing......^_^ besides at least i can see what I';m missing.....on my old one i couldn't even do that!

2003-12-08 [Saber]: hmmm you need a new computer >< and maybe a hammer ^^ or ductape or a hacksaw-its all good

2003-12-08 [Silversong]: lol yup! i'll be back in a cople of hours...i got Biology! 

2003-12-08 [Saber]: ok cya

2003-12-08 [Silversong]: See you tomorrow all!!!

2003-12-09 [MathiasIV]: OMG this page exploded!!!

2003-12-09 [Silversong]: lol

2003-12-09 [MathiasIV]: Hmm where do we wanna take this hehe. I say they should be immune to the calming song and we find out they are like possesed or something. then we feel bad about hte ones we kill and have to like find out who is possesing them :) whaddya think!

2003-12-09 [Silversong]: lol i think that Saber started this and it's really his choice but whatever everyone decideds to do I'll follow along!!! ^_^

2003-12-09 [Saber]: hmmmmm well its a good idea, tho =thinks= isn't there some kind of army currently roaming around the Woods in the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay Guild

2003-12-09 [Silversong]: yeah...And i've got a char there already....they after ALL the forest creatures i belieave....elves...dwarves.....and the such.....the 'defence' isn't doing much though cuz no ones edited in awhile.........

2003-12-09 [Saber]: yeah, i think every one heres got a char up - Dwarves arnt forest creatures are they? (they live in nice stoney mountains)

2003-12-09 [Silversong]: With a forest at the bottom.....or at least that's what I got out of it......

2003-12-09 [Saber]: yeah ok me gives you that...but they still liveinnicestoneymountains

2003-12-09 [Silversong]: lol true...but they ran through the camp of the 'defenders' in Making Forest Magic

2003-12-09 [Saber]: hmmm so they kinda swated you that still going on?

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